What are promo codes?
Promo codes are non-cumulative discount coupons available under specific circumstances for plan renewals, upgrades or acquisition of transaction packages.
They may or may not be used more than once, depending on the campaign promoted by Albato. The discount percentage, application period, covered scopes, and valid payment methods may also vary according to the current promotion.
How to activate a promo code when renewing or upgrading a plan?
1. Click on your email at the top of the screen and access the Billing option:
2. Select the Extend or Upgrade option for the plan you want:
3. In the Plan details field, select one of the periods indicated:
4. If necessary, complete the fields in the Payer Information section, then click save:
5. In the Order Summary section, click on Enter promo code:
6. Enter the promo code and click Apply:
7. Then click Proceed to payment:
8. Fill in the requested payment details and complete the purchase with the discount!