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How to create a Solution
How to create a Solution
Manuel Bernal avatar
Written by Manuel Bernal
Updated over 11 months ago

Before the creation

Creating your own Solution, you will choose automations for various scenarios. Therefore, the automations scenarios that will form the basis of your Solution should be created in your account before you start creating the Solution.

Who can use your Solution

Currently, users can create Solutions:

  • for private use in their accounts. It suits you to create the same type of automations (for example, when setting up new advertising campaigns). In this case, you can create your Solution once and use it as a template for new automations.

  • to share the Solution with other Albato users. Click on the Share button, share your link and other users will also be able to use your Solution. More on that further down in the article.

  • for public use. You can make your Solution publicly available to all Albato users and it will be added to the Marketplace. Contact our technical support with such a request. Later this can be done via the interface.

Solutions builder

When you set up all the automations that are needed to create a Solution, go to the Solution builder.

Click the Create Solution button, set a name for your Solution and select languages. These languages will be available to you and other users in case of publication. English is required by default and cannot be undone.

Then you will see the settings window of the created Solution. In this window, you can:

  • Customize the appearance of the Solution. The language and description that will be visible on the Solution card on the Marketplace.

  • Add scenarios. We will show it later.

  • Create a link for other users. This function is in the Publication section, and so far you will find only one button there - Share link.

  • Set up connection groups. We will show it later.

How to add a scenario

Click the Add a Scenario button. Then you will need to set a name, add a description and select an automation to copy the settings. The process may take some time. When the scenario is created, you can go to the Solution section and see the created Solution and the scenario itself.

How to change the scenario

There is no way to change the scenarios of the Solution right now. If you need to change the scenario, you can do the following: make the necessary changes to the automation, then delete the old scenario and add a new one.


In this section, you will see the Share button. Before you click this button, the Solution is in the Private status and is available only in your account. All edits you make will be applied automatically and will be immediately visible on the Marketplace.
Here is what happens when you publish the Solution:

  • the status of it will change from Private to Public, accessible by link. After that, you will no longer be able to make edits to the existing version of the Solution - for this you will need to add a new version of the Solution.

The new version will be private, and all changes will be available only in your account. The previous version will be Public for those users who have already followed the link. The new version will replace the old version for users only when you click the Share button in the new version.

Important: this link will be exactly the same as in the old version, so you do not need to send it again. The very fact of clicking on this button is important because after that the version in which you click this button will become public and available to a limited circle of users.

Connection Grouping Setup

Solutions can consist of an unlimited number of scenarios. Each scenario has its own steps, each step has its own connection to a specific system (app). In most cases, it will be enough to compose the connections of the same systems into the same groups. For example, all steps with online stores are in Group 1, and all steps of the CRM system are in Group 2 (see the picture below).

More complex cases may also occur. We will discuss one of them below. If you are just getting acquainted with the functionality of the Solution, we recommend that you skip this block and return to it at the moment when you meet the task of grouping connections.

Let us take an example: we need to receive an order from an online store and create deals in two different funnels of the CRM system.

This case will have the Get an order from the online store trigger, and the following action - Create a deal with Funnel 1 in the connection settings. The second action will also be Create a Deal, but here we select Funnel 2 in the connection settings. We have two such scenarios in Solution - the first is for the Order created process, and the second is for the Order updated. This means that connecting to an online store is suitable for both scenarios, but connecting to CRM must be left as two separate fields for selection. Therefore, all steps of the online store are grouped into Group 1, all CRM steps with Funnel 1 - into Group 2, and all steps with CRM with Funnel 2 - into Group 3.

Remember to save!

That is all for now, your Solution is ready. We described the case when all fields in the Solution are pre-filled by the author and do not require additional settings from the user. To configure more complex cases, please contact our technical support.'

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