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Rows union

Allows you to analyze datasets from previous steps and, if necessary, combine different sets.

Manuel Bernal avatar
Written by Manuel Bernal
Updated over 11 months ago

The “Rows union” tool allows you to combine the array of objects from one automation step with values ​​from another step. This expands the possibilities of working with Rows, in case you have them in two stages and need to join them in the third stage.

To explain this functionality, let's apply it to an example: the AliExpress – MoySklad integration.

In the MoySklad CRM system, when creating a new document “Buyer's Order” and adding merchandise items to this order, it is necessary to indicate the internal UUID of the item. When receiving an order from AliExpress, we only get the internal product ID from AliExpress itself and its SKU code.

You can make the SKU code the same as the product UUID, however, as a rule, comparisons are made by item number or an external code. So we created an action for MoySklad that allows you to create or find an item by SKU or code.

As a result, we now have “rows” from our AliExpress trigger and “rows” from our action, which found the products we needed on MoySklad. Now, we need to somehow combine these two data arrays with each other before creating an order — as we want to transfer the quantity of goods from AliExpress and send the goods ID that MoySklad gave us in response.

For such a combination and subsequent correct transfer of data, the “Rows union” tool allows you to associate the AliExpress trigger with the MoySklad action. So, you can create an order with the data of AliExpress products and the UUID obtained from the product search on MoySklad.
See the step-by-step for this configuration!

Step 1. Adding the tool

In your automation, add a tool after the steps where you have the “rows” you need to match. To do this, click on “+” and select “Tool”.

Select the “Rows union” tool.

Step 2. Configuring the tool

Choose your first step, where you will get the “rows” from. In this case, it will be an AliExpress trigger.

Choose the second step, from where you will get the “rows”. In the example, this is the MoySklad system action.

Step 3. Defining the conditions for joining the rows

Go to tool settings.

Choose what the tool needs to do in the absence of a pair, i.e. in the case where it was not possible to combine two two-step “rows”. For example, if “Step 2” did not find the desired product, you can skip this object, fill in the blanks or throw an error.

Also, select a scenario if multiple object pairs are found. For example, you searched for products by name on MoySklad and were able to find two such products. In this case, you can skip the object, use the first one found, duplicate the good, or throw an error:

Click on “Add a condition” and select by which parameters of the first and second sections you want to combine the objects.

Let's say you want to compare AliExpress products with products found on MoySklad by SKU. To do this, configure the tool as follows.

You can also combine and add various conditions by which you need to find a match.

After configuring the tool, click on “Save”.

Now, if you open the next steps settings, you can choose from the results of the tool. You can select fields from step one and step two.

The “Rows union” tool can also be used with other systems with this format. The configuration of the step itself is carried out in an identical way.

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