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Learn How to Use Google Drive with Albato

Valeria avatar
Written by Valeria
Updated over 7 months ago

With Albato, you can automate your workflows in Google Drive. You can add a file or folder to the drive or get information about new files on the drive and much more

How to Connect Google Drive to Albato?

To connect your Google Drive with your Albato account please follow the below instructions:

General Questions

How to add a new file to Google Drive through Albato?

To add a file to your Google Drive using Albato please follow the below example, here we are using Google Sheets as the source of data (file URL) and want to send it to Google Drive.

  1. Here is the overview of the workflow, let's check each step of the automation in detail now

  2. Here we have used Google Sheets as the source of data which will contain the file URLs as shown below, your source of data can be different say incoming webhook

    Here is the Google Sheet for reference:

  3. Now we add the HTTP action to get this file by URL as shown below.

    a. Click on the plus icon to add an action

    b. Select the HTTP request/outgoing webhooks to get the file by URL action as shown here

  4. Now similarly we add the action Google Drive add file:

    a. Add the action Google Drive: Add File

    b. Now we need to select the fields for the action as shown below

  5. Now we add the action Google Drive: Change File metadata by ID

    Please note that this action is necessary to add to

    a. Add the action Google Drive: Change metadata by ID

    b. Now configure the action as shown here

  6. Now the automation is ready! Click on Start to run the automation

  7. Here is an example of the output of our automation

    a. We add this URL in the google sheet

    b. Now we can check the results in the logs of the automation

    c. And we see the file is added to the drive( you can find it in the root directory)

Why the name of the file is not set as I configured in the automation to the drive?

Please know that to name the file when adding a new file via Albato it is necessary to add the action change file metadata by ID as shown below

How to add permission to a Google Drive file using Albato?

To add permission to a file we need to work with Google Drive: Create a Permission action as shown below

  1. Add the action Google Drive: Create a Permission action

  2. Configure the fields for the action as shown below

Can we add the file to a specific location on Google Drive?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to add the file to a specific location on the drive but only to the root directory of the Drive

Additional Resources

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