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Webhook catcher

Necessary step for Albato to capture the test data packet from the data source app.

Valeria avatar
Written by Valeria
Updated over 12 months ago

Enabling the webhook catcher will allow Albato to 'read' the automation framework to find out what data the webhook can contain in general. Performing this configuration, Albato will use the information about the fields that arrived with the test Webhook in the following steps.

This step is optional (you can just click the 'Next' button), however, it is highly recommended not to skip it. That's because if you use custom fields, Albato will only be able to identify them with an auto-grabbed Webhook. Otherwise, it will be impossible to use them later in the configuration.

How it works

In this step, there is a field with the webhook catcher's own URL address, where the data will arrive. This address must be registered in the data source service, configured in the first step. It is recommended to verify that the Webhook URL is automatically registered in the app before launching the configuration. After confirmation, click on the 'Wait for webhook' button.

Through this setting, the Webhook Catcher will be enabled and waiting for a packet of data. For the data to arrive, it is necessary to go to the source app and perform an 'event', which is the reason for configuring the integration.

For example, if the event is 'a new card created in Trello', you need to go to Trello and create a new card there. This will display the names of the fields that came with the data package.

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