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Learn to use Tilda in Albato. Find answers to the most common questions.

Manuel Bernal avatar
Written by Manuel Bernal
Updated over 8 months ago

Integrating Tilda with Albato lets you automatically get leads and data from forms you set up on your Tilda website. Set up triggers and actions to make data management easier and automate processes.

How to Connect Tilda to Albato?

  1. Create a webhook in Tilda for the desired form.

  2. Go to your Albato account and set up a webhook catcher in your automation.

  3. Send test data from the form in Tilda.

  4. Republish your website pages after setting up the webhook.

For detailed instructions: How to Connect Tilda to Albato


Why isn’t data from Tilda being sent to Albato?

  • Check the webhook and make sure the field names in the Tilda form match those in the Albato connection (case-sensitive).

  • Republish your website pages after setting up the webhook.

  • If the "Send only after payment" checkbox is selected, either complete the payment or uncheck the box and republish the pages.

How can I see the form parameters on my site?

  • You can see the form parameters in the form settings in Tilda or in the site console. Example.

How do I send data for paid orders?

  • Create two connections for one account in Albato: one for leads and one for payments.

  • In the payment system settings, check the "Send only after payment" checkbox. Example.

  • In the cart content settings, check the box next to the desired webhook. Example.

Errors and Solutions

Why aren’t leads coming from the Tilda form?

  • Verify that the webhook is correctly set up and republish your website pages after setting it up.

  • Make sure all form fields are properly configured and their names match the field names in Albato (case-sensitive).

How do I set up form parameters to send data to Tilda?

  • In the Tilda form settings, enable the checkboxes for "Send Cookies," "Send order item data," and "Send UTM." Example.

Why isn’t data being sent from Tilda?

  • Check the webhook and ensure the field names from Tilda are correctly specified in the connection (case-sensitive).

  • Republish your website pages after setting up the webhook.

Undefined index error when working with Tilda forms

  • Check the data accuracy and make sure all necessary form fields exist and are filled.

Specific Questions and Instructions

Where do I enter the webhook for a form in Zero Block?

  • In the Zero Block settings, find the field for the webhook and enter the Albato webhook URL. Example.

How do I enable data transfer for client IDs and items?

  • In the Tilda form settings, enable the relevant checkboxes to transfer data for Google Client ID (CId), items as an array, and tags. Example.

How do I send the external item ID?

  • Enable the relevant checkbox in the form settings. Example.

Additional ResourcesMore guides and help materials:

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