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Find answers and guidelines for the most common questions related to the Telegram App.

Manuel Bernal avatar
Written by Manuel Bernal
Updated over 7 months ago

With Albato’s Telegram integration, you can automatically receive notifications from your Telegram and manage data. Set up triggers and actions to simplify data management and automate processes.

How to Connect Telegram to Albato?

  1. Create a bot in Telegram using BotFather.

  2. Get the API token for your bot.

  3. Go to Albato and create a new connection for Telegram using the API token.

  4. Set up the necessary triggers and actions for your bot integration.

For detailed instructions: How to Connect Telegram to Albato


Do you support supergroups in Telegram?

Yes, we support supergroups. A supergroup is an open group with more than 200 members. To work with it, you need to update the connection as its ID changes.

What messages will my bot receive? According to Telegram:

  • All service messages.

  • All messages from private chats with users.

  • All messages from channels they are part of.

Why can’t my bot see messages from other bots?

Bots talking to each other can get stuck in unwanted loops. To stop this, bots can't see messages from other bots, no matter what mode they're in.

Errors and Solutions

The bot doesn’t see messages in the group.

  • Check if the bot has permission to read messages in the group.

  • Refresh the group after adding the bot.

The bot isn’t sending messages to the group.

  • Make sure the bot has admin rights in the group.

  • Verify that the connection token is correct.

  • Ensure the message /start <Token from your Albato connection> was sent from the group.

Error: "Unsupported get request. Object with ID..."

  • This error occurs when accessing an object that doesn't exist. Check access and refresh the Albato pages and forms tab. If the problem persists, contact support.

Error: (#10) Pages Public Content Access requires either app secret proof or an app token.

Check access rights and settings in Telegram’s business manager and ensure all necessary permissions are granted to Albato.

Specific Questions and Instructions

How do I update the connection to work with a supergroup?

Delete the old connection and create a new one to account for the supergroup ID change. Make sure your bot has all the necessary permissions.

How do I create a bot in Telegram and get the API token?

  1. Go to BotFather in Telegram.

  2. Enter the command /newbot and follow the instructions.

  3. Save the API token provided by BotFather.

How do I set up integration with a supergroup?

  1. Make sure your bot has admin rights in the supergroup.

  2. Update the connection in Albato with the new supergroup ID.

  3. Set up triggers and actions for working with the supergroup

Additional Resources

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