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Manuel Bernal avatar
Written by Manuel Bernal
Updated over 6 months ago

With Albato, you can automate your workflows on Linkedin. You can create posts on your page, create a comment and more.

General Questions

Is it possible to publish image posts in Linkedin with Albato?

Currently our app does not support the publication of images along with text publications.

How to resolve the error with visibility and distribution fields?

If you are getting errors in your automation about the visibility and distribution fields,

Please check and fill in the following fields as suggested below:

  1. State of the content =PUBLISHED


  3. Specifies the feeds distributed within Linkedin = MAIN_FEED

Error troubleshooting

com.linkedin.content.common.exception.BadRequestResponseException: Content is a duplicate of urn:li:share:<1111...111>

This error happens when you make more than 1 publication request with the same content. To fix it make sure that each publication content requests contains content that has not been publised before.

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