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How to connect RD Station (Marketing) to Albato
How to connect RD Station (Marketing) to Albato
Valeria avatar
Written by Valeria
Updated over 2 months ago

Available Trigger

Triggers are events that start an automation. All webhook triggers run in real-time, meaning data is transferred as soon as the event occurs.

  • Lead is marked as an opportunity

  • New conversion event

Available Actions

Actions are what Albato performs when your automation is running. Actions also allow you to transfer data to other apps and systems.

  • Create event "Chat started"

  • Create event "Chat finished"

  • Find Lead

  • Create a new lead in your system.

  • Update lead by ID

  • Create conversion event

  • Create event "Mark as opportunity"

  • Create event "Mark opportunity as won"

  • Create event "Mark opportunity as lost"

  • Create/update contact

  • Create/update a contact

  • Create event "Order placed"

  • Create event "Order placed with item"

  • Create an event "Order placed with a product"

  • Create event "Abandoned cart"

  • Create event "Abandoned cart with item"

  • Create an event "Abandoned cart with product"

  • Find events associated with the contact

  • Find the last event associated with the contact

  • Update lead by Email

Open the Apps tab in the top menu bar. Click the Add a connection button.


Select the service category or use the search bar. Pick the RD Station service.

Снимок экрана 2022-04-25 в 16.24.50.png

Click the Add a connection button and set the name for the connection. The name only affects the convenience of finding the connection in the list. You can set any name to meet your personal needs. Click the Continue button.

Снимок экрана 2022-04-25 в 16.27.09.png

Next, click the Grant Albato access button.

Снимок экрана 2022-04-25 в 16.29.00.png

Select the domain you need and click «Continuar»:

Снимок экрана 2022-04-25 в 16.31.28.png

On the window granting access to the Albato app, click «Conectar»

Снимок экрана 2022-04-25 в 16.57.36.png

If everything is done correctly, you will see the following window:

Снимок экрана 2022-04-25 в 17.02.21.png

Done! The connection is created and you can now create automations with RD Station.

There is no need to set up a webhook on the RD Station side because the webhook is automatically registered for webhook triggers when you start automation. However, if the data does not pass through automation, you can check and manually set up a webhook on the RD Station side.

Once you have generated the webhook in Albato, as seen in the previous step, click on your newly created connection and copy the webhook.

In RD Station, click on the name of your account (top right corner) and select Integrations.

In Webhooks, click on Configure.

On the next screen, click on Create Webhook. You will see a new screen with some fields that need to be filled in:

  • Name: Set a name for your integration. Ideally, create a name that identifies which tool this information will be sent to. For example: Albato.

  • URL: In this field, you should add the webhook that was generated on Albato.

  • Trigger: Choose the trigger that will activate the notification sending:

  • Conversion: Sends Leads that have performed a conversion in RD Station Marketing. You can select which conversions to track or leave them blank. In this case, any Lead that performs a conversion will be sent.

  • Opportunity: Sends Leads marked as Opportunity (starred). For example, send the Lead from RD Station Marketing to the tool only when manually marked as an opportunity or by an automation flow.

By clicking the "Save Webhook" button, you will be redirected to the configured Webhooks screen. There, you can verify if the integration with the webhook worked. To do this, click the Verify button.

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