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How to connect Conta Azul
The first step to connect Conta Azul to the Albato platform is, after logging into the platform, go to the Apps tab:
Then, click on "Add a connection" and search for Conta Azul:
Next, define a name for this connection. The name does not affect the functionality of the connection or its automation; it is purely for organizational purposes, so you can easily identify which connection it refers to.
If you have multiple accounts in Conta Azul, you can also create several connections, one for each account. In this case, keep in mind that the naming step will be crucial to help you choose the correct connection when creating the automation.
Then, click on Grant Access, and a new tab will open.
Make sure your browser has the necessary settings to allow pop-ups, as a new window will open during this step.
In the new tab, click Authorize:
All set! Your connection has been successfully created.
See how simple it is? Now you will see your connection created in the Apps tab, and if needed, you can change its name at any time.
Start creating automation between Conta Azul and hundreds of other apps through Albato. Just like the process of creating the connection, creating your automation is super easy, and you won't need any programming knowledge!
Check out our tutorial on how to create your first automation and how Albato works here.