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Check the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Manuel Bernal avatar
Written by Manuel Bernal
Updated over 11 months ago

Do I need to pay to take the courses?

No! All our courses are free, both basic and advanced. You just need to register to get started!

When can I start studying at Albato Academy?

You may enrol any day of the year. Get online and start studying within a matter of seconds after enrolling.

Do I need to have previous experience?

There's no need to have any prior knowledge to take the courses. We'll teach you from the ground up you'll gain all the knowledge and skills you need to become a specialist.

How can I choose the ideal courses for me?

It's important that you start your journey with the basic course to get an introduction. Then, if you want to delve deeper into integrations and automations, you can take the advanced courses and get certified.

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